Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"Walk Away Renee" is the Best Pop Song of the 60's.

That’s right: Shove your Beatles, your Beach Boys, your Monkees, all straight up your ass (and then remove them from your ass and wipe them off, because I like all of those bands), because The Left Banke have written the most wonderful, splendiferous, gorgeous, achingly beautiful pop song of the entire Age of Aquarius, and that song is “Walk Away Renee”. Cherubs weep when they hear this song; spittoons transform into floating cotton candy machines; chocolate becomes more delicious, and soda temporarily loses its fattening properties. Statistics have suggested that 0 in 4 people who listen to this song become serial killers. If loving this song is wrong, then your criteria for what constitutes “wrong” is incorrect. Never have vocal harmonies been so deliriously delightful, harpsichords so regal, performances so spot-on within a pop song. Neither have sentiments been so sweet, yet so warmly grounded within the lyrics. This is a golden, cascading wonder of a pop song, and it instantly rendered almost every conception of “chamber pop” or “classical pop” to come entirely irrelevant twenty-five years before any such genres even began to exist. “Walk Away Renee” is the absolute apex of all things splendid and joyful within sixties pop music – please cherish it in heaven and on earth. Oh, and listen to the rest of The Left Banke’s first two albums, because there isn’t a single bad or even just okay song between them. That is all.

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